the voice of the soul

09/07/2014 15:32

I meet a woman, she is the cousin of this belgium family and we sit together in the evening near the pond. We start talking and laughing. Between the talking she start questions and she ask me many many questions and I give answers. After I also ask one question, but she no give me answer, she start crying. I look with my third eye and I see inside the body a soul is living and I talk to her and she quickly understand. She start crying and I talk I want to liberate this soul inside her body and she agree and I start a little ceremony.

The soul start to live inside her body before 15 years. She was getting very quickly very upset and everytime she when she was alone her room together this soul she felt bad. She cry and cry and cry everytime. She was very big afraid to be in the dark. She could not sleep in the dark. She was sleeping always together lights in her room and she went to the toilet and the bathroom in the night together light and everytime she was looking/feeling that a soul is going together her. after she told me this everything. then i make a ceremony and it was successful. Now this soul is free.

After half an hour her body was like flying in the chair and her soul was talking I have a deep question inside and now this is first time I come up and I can look to the reality of my live. Her eyes were looking like many lightening stars in the dark and after she was very happy and now she want to live some days together with me in Belgium or in India or anywhere else and she invite me to make a new house. Now she is very happy. She is a very hard working woman, she is a dressmaker, now she is making her own house. And she also call me because she wants to meet me. She talk now that she can live really and enjoy happiness and enjoy her full live.

She likes now very much to come India and go rounding with us to holy places and peacefull mountains. She is waiting for me when I invite her and she can meet me again. Thanks and blesses for the freedom of this soul. Maybe on my next tour to europe I meet her again and be together with her and my group family. Thanks