soul inside the pond wants freedom

09/07/2014 15:14

hello my friends! I go to belgium and I come from belgium it was a very funny and interesting tour!

I meet there very friendly and lovely peoples, but their souls are very tired. They like more freedom from the goverrnment and they like to stand on their own legs.

I visit a house and inside the house I saw very big problems so I start searching for the reason of the problem inside. I saw this was a very old house, before it was a farm and a tourist place. Now it is a living place for this family which invite me. I also found that there is a pond inside and with my third eye I was looking that every evening one old soul of a man is coming to swim inside the pond. This man die already 40 years ago. I was looking to his face and body and after I talk to this family that he is living here. They told me that this man lived here before, so i make a ceremony for the freedom of this soul and it was a success. Now he stop to come to the pond and the family is also happy now. The next day they start a new work in the village to make their live better together. And second: happiness was coming after. This family now also start to make a new house in france and their son is learning very good in america. I am very happy I could serve this family and give freedom to this soul.